Individual online tutoring at home or in person

Start a learning revolution with Edunova. At the intersection of potential and achievements, we're here to help you create a personalized roadmap to academic excellence. With a team of expert mentors, we are here to turn 'I CAN’T’ into 'I SUCCEEDED’. Welcome to the place where the pursuit of knowledge meets expertise and brilliance is expected.

About us

Our qualified teachers and tutors are on a mission to tirelessly offer the necessary support to each of our students individually, so that they can achieve excellent learning success.
For that purpose, our methods are based on establishing a friendly relationship between the teacher and the student, which greatly improves the whole process.

What we offer


Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about our classes.
The duration of the lessons is 60 minutes or 90 minutes. Of course, double classes can also be scheduled.
Depending on the needs and priorities of the student, an individual plan that determines the number of lessons is prepared. We recommend at least 1-2 hours during a week.
Individual lessons are intended for all primary and secondary school students, but also students who have difficulties in learning, understanding certain school subjects and topics, solving tasks, learning a language and any similar challenge they encounter in school.
It is known that often in schools attention is not paid to the interests of each student separately, his/her qualities and ambitions. It is completely understandable, considering that 1 professor teaches 20-30 children at the same time. During individual lessons, the focus during 1 hour is only on your child. In addition to current tasks, tutors also have the obligation to monitor the development and interests of each child individually. So, tutors play a big role in detecting potential qualities in children, which further makes it easier for you as a parent to follow and properly direct your child’s interests.
Scheduling a session is easy! Visit our website and select the “Schedule a Consultation” option. Follow the prompts to select your subject, preferred time slot and contact details. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.
Tutoring services are for students of all age groups, from elementary school to college level. Our tutors adapt their teaching methods to suit the individual needs of each pupil or student. Of course, our institute also offers tutoring services for adults, such as language learning and all subjects our institute offers.

If you have more questions or need additional information?

Feel free to contact our customer support team via or phone number +49 1577405-1932 as well as on Viber or WhatsApp and via social networks Instagram and Facebook. We are here to help you with any additional questions you may have.

What others say about us?

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Be part of our team

If you want to:

Then you could fit perfectly into our team. All you have to do is fill out this form and send us a Curriculum Vitae (CV). Our team will contact you as soon as possible.
Our goal is to improve the knowledge of each student individually and help them achieve their goals more easily. Therefore, our team is looking for collaborators who share the same motivation as us.

Tutors wanted for the subjects:


Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about job positions.
To apply, visit our Apply page. Follow the instructions to complete the application form.
After sending a short summary of your educational background and working experience, the next step is passing a short test that determines the tutor’s pedagogical, psychological and, of course, professional competence.
Part of the team can be anyone who professionally fits the field in which they want to transfer their knowledge. Our team includes high school students, students, demonstrators, assistants, professors and all those who are competent in the subject they want to teach, always welcome.
Absolutely! With good organization, everything is possible . In ‘Edunova Tutoring’ you have the privilege of planning your own schedule, of course in consultation with the client. You can also organize your lessons after lectures or working hours.
Yes, you can specify your preferred subjects during the application process. We match tutors with subjects based on their qualifications and expertise.
Yes, we value continuous learning and offer opportunities for professional development. This includes training sessions, workshops and seminars to improve your tutoring skills.
Tutors receive ongoing support from our team, including access to resources, regular updates and help with any challenges that may arise during tutoring sessions.

About me

I am Simona, a mechanical engineer, filled with a desire to share knowledge and help students succeed in their academic journey. With my 5 years of experience in the field, I bring a wealth of practical experience and a deep understanding of the concepts of tutoring for various subjects. After completing my studies at the University of Mechanical Engineering in Germany ‘Universität Duisburg – Essen’, which helped me develop special methods for studying in 2 foreign languages, I decided to create a circle of my colleagues and satisfied customers in order to achieve my final goal - to make it possible for children to learn from an early age to push the boundaries and get the most out of themselves. I believe that learning should be an interactive experience and the relationship between tutor and student should be friendly. My attitude towards my clients and colleagues is built on this basis.
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Welcome to Our Web development Department

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"Edunova" is not only a tutoring institute

Does your business, professional career or personal project require an internet presence?

Our web development team is here to help you achieve your goals!

With years of experience and passion for creating high-quality online solutions, our super team of professionals offers you individualized and creative websites that highlight your unique business identity!

What do we offer?


Individualized and unique design:

Creating web pages that are tailored to your brand, with an unique design that represents the character of your business


Responsive design:

Creating web pages that are adapted to all types of devices (mobile phone, tablet, computer), ensuring easy access for your customers


SEO optimization:

Implementation of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for better visibility of your website on web search engines and increased traffic


Content Management:

Support for creating and editing your website content, including text, images, videos and other media


Digital Marketing:

Digital marketing consulting and services to expand your online presence and increase your success through various channels (social media, email and advertising campaigns)


Support and maintenance:

Regular support and maintenance of your website, including updates and security checks, to keep your website running smoothly

Are you ready to create your online world that will set your business apart from the competition?

Click the button below "Start Your Web Story" and let's start creating your online space!